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2022 Self-Therapy: A Focusing Guide. Athens: Eurasia Publications
Review in Person-Centered Quarterly
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2018 A new way of thinking about Focusing
2017 Buddhism, meditation and ‘the inner world’.
2016 Why the dodo got it right. Therapy Today
2014 Wittgenstein and the expression of feelings in psychotherapy
The Trouble With Psychotherapy:
Counselling and Common Sense. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
2012 'Focusing-oriented therapy'. In P. Sanders (ed.) The Tribes of the Person-Centred Nation'. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books (2nd edition).
2011 The notion of the implicit in the philosophy of psychotherapy
… Japanese translation
2011 The Focusing-Oriented
Counselling Primer. Second edition. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books
2010 Focusing and Buddhist meditation
2009 Theory construction in TAE
2009 Focusing-oriented therapy and Hua Yan philosophy
2007 How self-awareness arises from sentience: Mead and Gendlin
2007 The Focusing-Oriented
Counselling Primer. First edition. Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books
… also in Chinese and Japanese
2006 Focusing and relational depth
2005 Buddhism and the psychotherapy of Eugene Gendlin
2004 Person-Centred Therapy: The Focusing-Oriented Approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
… also in Japanese and Greek
2004 Differential response, diagnosis and the philosophy of the implicit
2002 Person-centred therapy without the core conditions
2002 Focusing on focusing
2002 A brief guide to Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning
2000-2004 Ethology and Gendlin's A Process Model
2000-2004 A brief guide to A Process Model
2000 Talking of parts
2000 Introjection and the aliens within
2000 Empathising with shame and guilt
2000 All the world's a stage: reflections on the two levels of truth
Unconditional positive regard and its spiritual implications
1998 Psychotherapy, philosophical privacy and knowing what we feel
1996 The deep structure of the core conditions
1993 Philosophy and counselling
1992 Wittgenstein and pictures of rebirth
1991 Selection and assessment in counsellor training courses
1989 The person-centred Jungian
1979 Agent determination and free will
1979 Biological function
1978 Ethological categories of behaviour and some consequences of their conflation